I work with you to take control of your life and career, break self-defeating patterns, and build strong boundaries so you can confidently move forward with passion and purpose. 

Create a life you love!

I believe that no matter your circumstances, you can learn to C.R.E.A.T.E a life you deeply love. I know this because I have risen from having very little to having abundance beyond my wildest dreams; only to lose everything and then have to start all over at a much older age and in changing times.

I am a Master Certified Life Coach and a member of the International Coaching Federation. 

Hi, I am Victoria! 


Choice • Resolve • Enthusiastic • Action • Transformed • Empowered

I believe creating a life you deeply love requires:

The life you have always desired is closer
than you think. Let me help you create it.

Go from confusion to confidence by deepening your understanding of self and others. A holistic program to help you navigate through fear and find your passion.

Self Discovery and Finding Your Passion

Is your career journey on autopilot? Empower your life personally and professionally with expert advice and hands-on support. 

Career or Starting Your Own Business

Feeling scattered and unlike your true self lately? Discover new levels of inner peace, meaning and fulfillment in this one of a kind program.

Art of Mindfulness

There is a new you
 Ready to be reimagined!

No matter what life has dealt you;