What Mask Are You Wearing this October ~ Beauty or Beast? 

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

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Don’t try to feel all puffed up and outraged at my audacity! You know who your personal gremlins are.  They are with you day and night.  They’re the little voices in your head that say: 

  • “You’re not good enough.”  
  • “This is too hard.” 
  • “You’ll never be successful.”  

Know what I mean??? 

They’re the reason you don’t feel confident in your abilities and skillswhy you only have one friend at a time, and the reason you’re struggling in making new connections.  In other words, you have “Imposter Syndrome“. 

And they’re right—your personal gremlins will never let you live your passion. They will always create doubt.  They will push and push and push until~ 


Are you ready to man/woman up, kick them out of your life and to acknowledge that you opened the door to them? If so, then you can also close the door on them.  

Here are 7 ways coaching can help you reduce the impact of your personal gremlins: 

  1. You’ll learn how to identify them so you can recognize them when they attack.
  2. You’ll learn how to tell them that they don’t have any power over you anymore.  You know better than to listen to them!
  3. You’ll learn how to talk back to them; therefore, they don’t take up space in your mind anymore. This can be your first step towards living your passion.
  4. You’ll learn how to silence them so that they don’t get in the way of what matters most: living your passion every day!
  5. You’ll begin working towards a healthier relationship with yourself. You will find you have a healthier relationship with everyone else around you as well!  
  6. You’ll start seeing results immediately! As we work together on your negative self-talk, we make miracles happen. 
  7. Finally, you will learn to create a vision. A vision that gives you something positive to explore. A vision that moves you towards your life of passion. 

Don’t wait to live a life of passion. Only you and your gremlins stand in your way.  Don’t allow your gremlins to convince you that you are the beast.  

Let’s find a way to work together to find your inner passion. 

Beauty or Beast – it’s your choice!   

Are you still not convinced that coaching is for you? Let me give you a few more reasons why you should call, text, or email me NOW! 

1.  Coaching helps reduce stress, so your mind becomes sharper.  You can make better decisions about your life, your career, and your relationships. 

2.  Coaching helps you learn how to silence your inner critic – your personal gremlins. You will learn to quit beating yourself up over every little mistake.  No one is perfect! 

3.  Coaching helps you build self-confidence. You become strong and courageous even when faced with adversity. 

4.  Coaching helps you identify your strengths.  You learn to overcome challenges and thrive both personally and professionally. 

5.  Coaching helps you stop negative self-talk. You learn to look at life with gratitude for who you are! 

Email me today to schedule a 20-minute free coaching session and start your journey to personal empowerment and success.

Don’t let those gremlins hold you back any longer!


Well, I can’t wait to connect!

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I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

Contact Me

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