You Are Never Too Old!

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

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No matter what age you are, you should never give up on your dreams. I know it’s easy to think that some things are just not possible for you because of your age. When I was 70 I decided to resurrect the coaching business I began in 2006, and at 72 I learned to do pushups. I had strengthen my arms by doing planks for over 15 years. Had I continued with the belief that I couldn’t do pushups because I couldn’t when I was much younger, I would not have realized how strong my arms and back were. It’s amazing what a small change can do. So, if you’re 50 or older than 50 but still want to pursue something new – go ahead!

You, may for instance, want to join me this coming October, where I will begin facilitating a vision board workshop on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 7 – 8:30 PM EST. Please click the button below for more details about this exciting adventure into the magic of vision boards.

Set a goal and go for it.

If you have a goal and don’t know how to reach it, the best thing to do is begin with small steps which you increase daily or weekly. Don’t be afraid of failure or the unknown. In fact, these are some of the most important parts of learning new things and growing as an individual! Go ahead set your sights high and don’t stop until you’ve achieved your goals! How many times did Edison fail – 9,999 times which is far more than you or I have failed. There’s hope for everyone who is determined to change their life.

Remember that it’s important to have fun, too. If you’re not enjoying what you’re doing, then you may want to try something new. This is where I can be of help. All you need to do is email me for a free consultation about how to make changes in your career.

You may want to try different things until you find something that really clicks with your interests. By testing various activities or starting new projects, you learn what you truly enjoy. For instance, you may enjoy baking or bike riding, but you aren’t interested in making a living from it – these can be hobbies, that add joy and peace to your life.

Exciting things are coming soon!

Vision Board Workshop

One way my clients consistently open their minds to their creativity and inner yearnings is by creating a vision board. Coming in October, I will begin facilitating vision board workshops on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 7 – 8:30 PM EST. Please click the button below for more details about this exciting adventure into the magic of vision boards. Please click the button below for more details.

Sign up for our email to receive the updates regarding our vision board workshop!

Be enthusiastic, be creative and don’t be afraid of failure.

  • Be enthusiastic. This is the most important thing you can do to make your life more fulfilling and interesting.
  • Be creative. You don’t have to be a great artist or writer to begin a new hobby that allows you to express yourself in an original way. For instance:
    • Pottery
    • Painting landscapes or portraits
    • Writing poetry or short stories
    • Building model ships or cars…and the list goes on!

For instance, I have been told for years by mentors to try coloring to reduce my anxiety. Well, I never tried it because I didn’t like trying to figure out which colors to use and I didn’t like coloring outside the lines. Then my sister suggested I try Happy Color (which is an app you can download on your mobile devices) which does help with my anxiety, I don’t have to pick out the colors, and I never go outside the line. Voila! I found my perfect hobby. The point is: find something that excites you and then go for it!

  • Don’t be afraid of failure. It’s inevitable when trying new things we won’t always know what works best for our needs. So, if something doesn’t work out as expected don’t worry! Keep trying until something clicks inside your head – “this is what I’ve been looking for!”
  • Most of all, never lose your sense of curiosity. I truly believe that losing one’s sense of curiosity ages us more than the year on the calendar.

“To be curious is the greatest gift in life~ it is at the heart of one who lives a life of passion!”
Victoria Marlene Nash

Never give up on a dream no matter how many times you have attempted to manifest that dream; it will come when the time is right.

You are never too old to pursue your dreams. I know you’ve heard it before. But I’m going to say it again: You are never too old to pursue your dreams. You can start at any age, and you can still make them happen! No matter how many times you have attempted to manifest that dream, it will come when the time is right. Don’t give up, ever!

Coming Soon – monthly Visions to Reality workshop!

What you can look forward to in this workshop?

Dream Exploration

Vision Board Creation

Visualize what passion and purpose means to you

Click the button below to see more!

Join our email list to learn more about our upcoming monthly Visions to Reality workshop!

So, if you’re in your 50s, 60s or 70s and thinking about starting a new career, taking art classes, or scuba diving, don’t let anyone tell you that it’s too late. You can make a difference in this world, no matter how old or young you are! I can truthfully say that I am never conscious of my age as it relates to my health, my potential, or my goals. Because I’ve let go of so many of my internal roadblocks I feel more alive, alert, and full of enthusiasm today than I did when I was 30 years old. I still feel my best years are ahead of me and so can you.

Email me today so we can arrange a free introductory session to see if coaching with me is right for you.

“I never think of birthdays, nor do I celebrate them. Today I can truthfully say that I am enjoying vibrant health, I don’t mind telling people how old I am: I AM AGELESS!” ~ Norman W. Walker

“The survival of the fittest is the ageless law of nature, but the fittest are rarely the strong. The fittest are those endowed with the qualifications for adaptation, the ability to accept the inevitable and conform to the unavoidable, to harmonize with existing or changing conditions.” ~ Dave Smalley

#YouAreNeverTooOld #NeverTooLateToStart #PursuePassionsAtAnyAge #LifeAfterRetirement #DreamBigAtAnyAge #career #dreams #passion

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

Contact Me

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