AvantChoice C.R.E.A.T.E Coaching Program

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

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Together, we will set goals to help you create a vision for your future personally and/or professionally. Goal setting is important for growth in every facet of your life. You will learn how to:

  • Set goals that will be exciting and inspirational
  • Create powerful strategies to achieve your goals
  • Overcome obstacles that may stand in your way

How is this program different from other life coaching programs?

  1. CHOICE:
    • As Abraham Maslow states, “In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.” The world has too many people who are willing to sit on the bench while life passes them by; therefore, the first step must be CHOICE. 
    • Taking that first step is meaningless unless you RESOLVE to live your life differently and with passion. Throughout our coaching sessions, you will firmly decide on a course of action to accomplish your goals.
    • This is the number one ingredient to keep you motivated. Enthusiasm coupled with motivation equals success. Other reasons to be enthusiastic are:
      1. People like you.
      2. It increases our determination to achieve our goals.
      3. Writing down your goals will encourage you to stay the course. Increases self-esteem and confidence.
      4. Increases self-esteem and confidence.
  4. ACTION:
    • As we know, nothing happens without ACTION.   In James Clear’s book Atomic Habits he says, “Action…is the type of behavior that will deliver an outcome”. As a life coach, I help one form new and productive habits, not just go through the motions.
    • Is necessary if you want to reach your goal. This means you never give up; you never quit until you have met your goal. This requires persistent determination.
    • Finally, we reach a state of personal empowerment which means you have:
      1. Became self-aware
      2. Identified your goals
      3. Acted
      4. Succeeded

How do I start?

  • Schedule your complimentary 30-minute sample coaching call here.
  • Not ready to commit? Sign up for my email.
  • As my gift, you will receive a free “Celebrating You” DIY Coaching Worksheet.

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

Contact Me

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