What is AvantChoice and Why Do You Need it?

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

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Life Coaching has many aspects. For my practice, it will have three areas of focus:

  1. Self Discovery/Finding Your Passion
  2. Career/Starting Your Own Business
  3. Art of Mindfulness

Why Life Coaching?

I don’t know about you, but I find life difficult at times. Finding balance can be especially difficult.

  • Even if your children are grown, they can often be dependent on you for many years.  How do you address your feelings of frustration? Talking to a life coach allows you to explore your frustration and find options that work for you.
  • What happens when a parent can no longer care for themselves? What impact will it have on you and your family?  A life coach can help you find ways to care for yourself.
  • In her article “Divorce Rate in America”, Branka Vuleta states a typical marriage in the US lasts 8.2 years. How do you let go of something so sacred? Since 50% surpass 8.2 years, they found ways to cope and expand.  A life coach can’t fix your marriage; they can work with you to see it from another perspective or work with you to let go.

Then there is work…

  • Rarely is one satisfied with the first job they have and stay until “death do us part.” According to Zippia, the career expert, one changes jobs twelve times in one’s work span.  Sometimes this is by choice; sometimes it is not.  A life coach can help you find your inner passion and which opportunities align with that passion.
  • Is owning your own business one of your dreams?  A life coach can help you consider the pros and cons. 
  • Is working virtually an option?  What would change if you began working from home?  A life coach can help you look at both sides, so you find the right decision for you.

Then there is Spirituality vs. Religion.

  • Do you question how spirituality lives side-by-side with current events?
  • Who do you believe?
  • How does faith answer questions about social justice, world peace, and the environment?

Mindfulness may provide answers to these profound questions.

How can a Life Coach help?

Through listening and asking the right questions, I can help you:

  • Determine where your life is out of balance.
  • Discover which areas need your attention today.
  • Determine the best path for you in your relationships.
  • Find your passion.
  • Find satisfaction in your job while you build your own business.
  • Move up the career ladder.
  • Define your interpretation of faith.
  • Find ways to help others by learning who you are.
  • Find the path to your personal empowerment.

How do I start?

  • Schedule your complimentary 30-minute sample coaching call here.
  • Not ready to commit? Sign up for my email.
  • As my gift, you will receive a free “Celebrating You” DIY Coaching Worksheet.

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

Contact Me

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