Why Email Coaching May Be The Best Thing Since Home-Baked Bread!

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

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Are you wondering why I made the analogy to homemade bread? For those who are not gluten intolerant, your mouth may water at the thought of hot buttered freshly baked bread. That’s how I have grown to feel about alternative methods of coaching.

Email coaching is one of those alternative methods of coaching. If you fit any of these situations, you may find it the “Best Thing Since Home-Baked Bread”:

  • Are you an introvert looking for ways to improve your life, without having to turn into an extrovert to do so?
  • Do you juggle work, family time, and everyday chores?
  • Do you ask yourself when you would ever have time to squeeze in talking with a coach?
  • Are you a caregiver that has few opportunities to leave your home or only to care for someone outside your home?

My analogy is that I have learned there are different ways for me to approach my coaching practice which can make you more comfortable and less stressed.

Either way, if you’re looking for an out-of-the-box approach to meeting with a coach, you’re in the right place! Do I have novel approach to transforming lives!


By the way, I’m Victoria Marlene, a master certified life coach, and ICF accredited. I have over 40 years as a solopreneur often while working full time for a corporation or not-for-profit.


Before COVID, I thought the only way to do things was face-to-face especially if I was talking with my coach or counselor. Then I discovered that I preferred virtual meetings because I didn’t need to take the time to drive to the appointment, wait to see the doctor, then drive back to work. It cut down at least an hour in my down time from work.


One specific form of coaching called email coaching is becoming more popular for the same reason virtual medical or professional appointments became more convenient both in time and travel.

Email coaching provides more flexibility and makes it a more inclusive option. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this trend, as well as how you can use email coaching to save time while providing timely responses to your coaching needs.



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Why is coaching by email becoming so popular?

Email coaching is becoming popular because it offers so many advantages over other types of coaching. For example, it’s flexible and accommodating.

You can do your email coaching sessions at any time—even in the middle of the night if necessary! And there’s no need for in-person appointments. This makes it possible for people who are unable to meet face-to-face due to travel or other obligations such as work or family needs to still get help from an expert when you need it most.

Email coaching also allows your coach to take their time formulating responses to your email inquiries. There is no pressure for you to be in a hurry due to your coach having another appointment following yours. Using traditional coaching methods, you may be stuck with appointment times that won’t work for your schedule.

Email coaching allows you to share your progress or response to a suggestion almost on demand!


How Does Email Coaching Work?


Is email coaching just as effective as in-person, phone or Zoom coaching?

Email Coaching:

  • Is just as effective as in-person or telephone coaching once you wrap your head around the flexibility and opportunity for the self-expression it permits.
  • Is an exciting way to help you reach your goals, because you can do it on your own time, at our own pace.
  • Is an opportunity for you to reach out to your coach when you are struggling with something in the moment rather than waiting until next week when we can meet face-to-face or over the phone.

This means that there are fewer barriers between you and success!


What are some ways to make sure my coaching sessions are effective, helpful, and transformative?

There are a few things you can do to make sure you experience coaching at its best:

  • Make sure you have a clear understanding of the coaching process. With the exception of it occurring via email, you will need to follow the same structure of any coaching relationship:
    • Establish rapport. This can be done through an optional short discovery call of 20 minutes or less. Before the call, you will be asked to provide basic personal information and your coaching goals – both short and long-term – through an intake form.
    • Once rapport as been established and you wish to begin your coaching, you will need to:
      • Complete the contract and pre-meeting documents provided from your coach.
      • Complete a Wheel of Life to determine your area of greatest need or desire.
      • You will be asked to be more specific about your long and short-term coaching goals.


Your follow-up email from the coach will be addressing your accountability for your own journey.

The coach is in charge of guiding you, but can’t do the work for you which would be the same as any other form of coaching.


You may be surprised by how much you enjoy the convenience and flexibility of this new way of coaching!

  • You can do it from anywhere.
  • No travel time or expense, no need for a babysitter (unless your child is sick), no need to get dressed up and leave your home or office if you don’t want to… and even better— no need to leave your house at all!
  • If you have trouble sharing what’s bothering you in face-to-face meetings, this provides the perfect opportunity to share your thoughts with deliberation.
  • It doesn’t matter whether it’s 9 am or 1 am on Saturday morning as long as you have internet and a device or laptop.
  • Best of all, you can keep your coaching sessions as private as you want!


Email coaching can be a great way to get the support you need to move forward with your goals.

  • It’s flexible, convenient and personal.
  • It can even help you save money.
  • It can help you save time!
  • It eliminates the need for transportation.
  • It means you can live anywhere as long as you have access to the internet and have a phone or laptop.



If any of these points sound appealing, give email coaching a try. You won’t regret it!


Here are 3 options to put your little toe into the waters of Life Coaching:

  1. Use this coaching questionnaire for a DIY coaching prompt.
  2. For only $9.99, complete the above coaching questionnaire and send it to me via email, along with your payment. will demonstrate how email coaching works!
    • As I carefully review and address your inquiry, please allow 1-2 business days for me to provide a response.
  3. Finally, you can join my Free Just Say No 4 Week Workshop. The next one begins, Monday, August 7 from 5 – 6 PM EST.


Schedule a 15-20 minute phone consultation to decide if email coaching is right for you. We promise not to tell!

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

Contact Me

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