AvantChoice Coaching Programs

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

Contact Me

After much ado, I’m so happy to launch my website and the life coaching programs I offer. These programs will help you if you feel somewhat lost or out of touch with your core values. Choosing a program today will save you up to $100!

Visit our Services page to learn more.

Good morning!

In my previous blogs, I have told you some of my stories and how AvantChoice came to be. Now, it’s your turn to tell me your story.

Sometimes life sends us a curve ball.  It may seem as though this is happening a lot now. It may feel as though your life has been turned upside down. This can leave one feeling totally out of control of our own life.

Is this how you thought your life would go? Do you feel stuck as in the movie Groundhog’s Day? What haven’t you admitted out loud yet? What could make a difference? These last two years have been difficult for everyone. Is it time to say no to everyone and say yes to you? You may not be able to stop pandemics or mass shootings, but you can decide how you want to live your life.

Is it time to reset your life? Here are some questions my upcoming workshop will help you answer:

How important is it for you to regain your life?

  • How important is it for you to regain your life?
  • Who are you and what do you value?
  • What is the pay-off for being stuck?
  • Who are you now and who do you want to be a year from now?
  • What excites and inspires you?
  • What are you tolerating and putting up with?

If you aren’t living for yourself and loving yourself, then you are not in balance with who you are. We all have a purpose. Our job is to find our passion and our purpose will be there too.

Everything begins within the silent little girl’s voice that won’t shut up. She knows this isn’t who you wanted to be when you grew up. Listen, really listen, you can do this!

Are you willing to click the reset button? Want to join me in a workshop that will help you find your passion and your purpose?

I truly want to help you on this journey, but I can’t do that until you say yes. Do it now before you lose more of yourself living a life you didn’t imagine.

The workshop will be simple, fun, and full of surprises. It’s like writing in a journal with a magic pen where only you know what is truly being said.

Are you ready to begin your transformation? This workshop will change your life. Taking that first step to sign up is all that it takes. Do it now. Feel empowered again. Let me help you find yourself.

All it takes is C.R.E.A.T.E. (Read more here.)

The world needs to see the real you!

I help you overcome fear, reconnect with your passion and create a life you love!

I am Victoria.

I’m eager to connect with you! Join me on my social media accounts and let’s stay in touch!

Contact Me

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